Doctor Cairo P Rocha is a modern-day practitioner of alternative medical treatment which has it’s roots in ancient Asian medicine, consisting mainly of Chinese Japanese, and Tibetan methods. Also included in his portfolio are the Japanese healing methods of acupressure and acupuncture.
In his unique video series by way of public discourse, he takes you on a journey into the fascinating realm of the healing of human conditions and ailments which is as spiritual as it is practical.
When visiting Dr. Cairo Rocha acupuncturist in Nassau Bahamas you learn of fascinating terms such as Mudras, Feng Sui, Toyo Igaku, and many more and the important role each plays in the process of natural healing.
The energy of food, Longevity in Chinese Medicine, Empowerment, Cancer Care in Chinese Medicine, Vision and envision, healing your eyes, Memory and Cognitive Function in Chinese Medicine are just some of the topics that are presented in dynamic detail with Q&A sessions included.
Health and wellness are paramount and Dr. Rocha demonstrates just that in his presentations.
Dr. Cairo P. Rocha currently has his acupuncture practice in the Bahamas, where he continues to study and grow his knowledge of alternative medical treatment and pain management therapies.
"Only when we unite our mind to our heart will we attain Enlightenment"
Ancient Chinese saying
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15 South Buckner Sq. Sandyport Nassau City, New Providence, Bahamas
1 (242) 394-6121